Lots of unexpected (positive) feedback from last Sunday's video of hill reps in the rain - mainly, it has to said, due to Helen's personal approach to 'commentary'!
I will be posting daily video diaries during the challenge which should provide an interesting gauge on my ability to remain bright and bushy tailed - not something I'm particularly er... well known for, in normal circumstances. There won't be much videoing of the climbs though, as daily uploading of Garmin data and time management won't really allow for it - the schedule is just too tight and I can't afford too much to affect the rest, refuel & recovery 'strategies'.
Not only that but a superb video record of all the 100 Climbs already exists. Mark Oliver's 100 Hills For George Blog (which you can see here or click on the link at the bottom right of this page) has them all. If you haven't already done so, I recommend you take a look at Mark's Blog and his moving story.
Last month, he became the first person to complete the 100 Climbs challenge (other than Simon Warren himself) and has already been very helpful with tips and recommendations - thank you Mark and well done again. 100 Climbs in a Year sounds pretty tough in a very different way - dedicating a whole year's worth of weekends and holidays to travel to all corners of the country and then climbing some very steep and / or long hills takes some doing.
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